Saturday, February 9, 2008


The Lyin' Queen

Carol Asvestas announced in a newsletter appeal this month that the Wild Animal Orphanage is building a spay and neuter clinic in collaboration with the Texas Hill Country Animal League based in Boerne, Texas.

Never mind hundreds of cats disappeared from the WAO's unlicensed, non-regulated second property over the last several years--now she wants to get into the dog and cat altering business. (Click for San Antonio Lightning Archives in reverse order.)

What is going to happen to the WAO's smaller USDA licensed property? Will it go to the cats and dogs? Rumor has it the WAO plans to remove 100 or so animals exotic wild animals from the smaller touring property and transport them to the larger unlicensed and unregulated property. Rumor also has it the smaller property will transform into a dog and cat shelter, complete with a "clinic."

What will happen to the exotic wild animals at the larger property? Who knows, because no one will be allowed to check up on them - not the USDA, not the AG's Office, not the TCEQ, and not the Sheriff's Office, unless of course they have a warrant in hand to inspect the property. That means the animal burial pits will be open for business once again!

The larger property will also be a convenient place to dump all the dogs and cats not adopted from the proposed "dog and cat shelter." After all, Carol Asvestas dumped "excess" cats from the WAO's now defunct "Cat Haven" -- so what will stop her from dumping dogs and cats at the larger property again?

Right now, the WAO's smaller property is inspected by the USDA to insure the animals are housed properly and receive adequate food. What will happen to the exotic animals if they are moved to an out-of-sight locale and all the money goes towards the dog and cat shelter/clinic? The WAO claimed in its newsletter to be in dire need of financial support due to the rising cost of animal feed and construction material--so why are they starting up this new project? Just follow the money "tail," because its not about the animals.

More to follow --

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Found on the evening of January 31, 2008, Terrell Heights area. Has rabies tag but no other identification. He is an older dog. I am sure the owner is looking for him.

Shannon Armendariz
403 Irvington Dr.
San Antonio, TX



Missing since Saturday evening around 5pm 2FEB, Large White/yellow female lab, with rabies tag on, lost in Hausman road area…..answers to Sophie!!! Can call Kim at 603-315-3648, reward offered. thanks